
Ethiojobs Privacy Policy

Info Mind Solutions PLC (collectively, “IMS”, “We” or “Our”) has drafted its Privacy Policy to ensure that you can use Ethiojobs’ site on your own terms. IMS continues to strive to provide the safest possible environment for you to search for and apply to jobs.



We have created this Privacy Policy to inform you of our collection, use and disclosure practices regarding personal information that we collect through Ethiojobs website. This Privacy Policy applies only to data gathered on this website (Ethiojobs.net), and does not apply to any other information or web site. This Privacy Policy incorporates by reference the Terms and Conditions for the Sites, which apply to this privacy policy.
Please review this Privacy Policy periodically as we may update it from time to time. Each time you visit the Sites or provide us with information, you are, by doing so, accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy at that time. If we materially change our practices with regard to personal information collected under a prior privacy policy, we will endeavor to notify you and give you the opportunity to opt out of changes with regard to that previously collected information. You agree that by using the Sites you are expressly and affirmatively consenting to our use and disclosure of the information that you provide, and consenting to receive emails, as described below.

Personal Information

In order to operate the Sites in an efficient and effective manner and provide users with information on job postings and services that may be of interest to them, IMS may collect personal information, including contact information (such as an email address), from its users. In addition, this information allows us to provide users with private and secure areas to post and modify their original content on our Site (e.g., jobs and resumes). We also automatically track certain information based upon your behavior on the Sites and use this information to do internal research on our users' demographics, interests, and behavior to better understand, protect and serve users in general. This information may include the URL that a user has just come from (whether this URL is on our Sites or not), the URL a user goes to next (whether this URL is on our Sites or not), a user's computer browser information, and their IP address. You agree that IMS may use your personal information to contact you and deliver information to you that, in some cases, is targeted to your interests (such as relevant job postings, services, educational or other career development opportunities), or provide administrative notices or communications applicable to your use of the Sites. By accepting this Privacy Policy, you expressly agree to receive this information. If you do not wish to receive these communications, we encourage you to opt out of any further receipt by following the opt-out provisions provided in each such communication. IMS may also aggregate certain non-personally identifiable information about its users (such as occupation, location, education and experience) and use such anonymous information to prepare reports that it provides to its users.

We do not sell our users' personally identifiable information to anyone for any reason if the user has indicated a desire for us to keep the information private. When posting jobs and resumes, our users decide for themselves how much contact information they wish to display.
All users should be aware, however, that when they choose to display or distribute personal information (such as their email address or resume) via the Sites or any other distribution method, that information can be collected and used by others. This may result in unsolicited messages from third parties for which IMS is not responsible. Also, you may have arrived at the Sites by following a link from an affiliate’s web site. If so, please be aware that IMS may share your information with that affiliate and the affiliate may use the information consistent with its privacy policy instead of this one.

IMS may also disclose specific user information when we determine that such disclosure is necessary to comply with the law, to cooperate with or seek assistance from law enforcement or to protect the interests or safety of IMS or other users of the Sites. In addition, personal information we have collected may be passed on to a third party in the event of a transfer of ownership or assets or a bankruptcy of IMS. Such disclosures may be made with or without your consent, and with or without notice.

About Cookies and Third Party Advertisers

IMS uses cookies for the protection and convenience of our users. Cookies enable us to serve secure pages to our users without asking them to sign in repeatedly. If a user's system is idle for more than an hour, however, the cookie will expire, forcing the user to sign in again to continue their session. This prevents unauthorized access to the user's information while they are away from their computer. IMS may store non-personally identifying information about you such as past jobs viewed and job searches conducted by your computer in a cookie that it places on your computer. We do this in order to present you with job recommendations based on your interests as expressed previously through your searches. Most Internet browsers enable you to erase cookies from your computer hard drive, block all cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. Please be aware; however, that some Ethiojobs features or services may not function properly without cookies.

Third-Party Advertisers: We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit the Sites. These companies may use information about your visits to these and other web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. We also may give third party advertisers the ability to tailor their advertisements on our Sites using demographic and preference information we provide to them in aggregate form. This information does not identify you individually.

These third party advertising companies may use this information to provide you with advertising on our Sites, other websites, or other service platforms or devices tailored to the interests indicated by your browsing of our Site and/or your interaction with other web sites where these ad servers or networks are also present.

The third party advertising companies who deliver ads for Ethiojobs on the Sites may place or access cookies on your computer hard drive to distinguish your web browser uniquely and to keep track of information relating to serving ads on your web browser, such as the type of ads shown and the webs pages on which the ads appeared. The third party advertising companies may use cookies to keep track of the web sites that your web browser visits across the advertising provider’s network of web sites with whom it works. These companies may combine this information with other information they have collected relating to your web browser’s activities across their network of web sites.

These companies operate under their own privacy policies and IMS encourages you to be aware of the privacy policies of such companies before you choose to allow them to place a cookie on your web browser. IMS does not have control over or access to any information contained in the cookies that are set on your computer by third party advertisers. To prohibit the automatic collection of information by some of the third party advertisers, you may opt out at the Network Advertising Initiative opt out site. Please note that this opt out is cookie-based. If you buy a new computer, change web browsers or delete this cookie, you will need to perform the opt-out task again.

In addition, some of the employers that use our Sites may place cookies on your computer through their job postings and may use such cookies to distinguish your web browser uniquely. Often, employers use such information to track the effectiveness of their job postings by measuring how many users who view their postings later became job applicants.

How we use your personal data
  1. We may process data about your use of our websites and services ("usage data"). The usage data may include your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths, as well as information about the timing, frequency and pattern of your service use. The source of the usage data is our analytics tracking system. This usage data may be processed for the purposes of analysing the use of the websites and services. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interests, namely monitoring and improving our websites and services.

  2. We may process your website account data ("account data"). The account data may be processed for the purposes of operating our websites, providing our services, ensuring the security of our websites and services, maintaining back-ups of our databases and communicating with you. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interests, namely the proper administration of our websites and business.

  3. We may process information on the CVs and profile you upload for service we provide our Clients ("Recruitment"). Your personal information and uploaded CV may be processed for recruitment purposes. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interests, namely the proper administration of our websites and business.

  4. We may process information that you provide us for the purpose of subscribing to our newsletters, job alert and other notifications ("newsletter data"). The newsletter data may be processed for the purposes of sending you the newsletters, activity update mails, job alerts, other notifications and analysing their use. The legal basis for this processing is consent.

  5. We may process information on the CVs and profile by disclosing your data to one or more recruiters (internal and external) for the purpose of enabling them to contact you so that they can provide employment information or offer you relevant professional services.

What You Should Know

IMS cannot ensure that all of your private communications and other personal information will never be disclosed in ways not otherwise described in this Privacy Policy. Therefore, although we are committed to protecting your privacy, we do not promise, and you should not expect, that your personal information or private communications will always remain private. As a user of the Sites, you understand and agree that you assume all responsibility and risk for your use of the Sites, the internet generally, and the documents you post or access and for your conduct on and off the Sites.

Protect Yourself

Some Important Tips To Use When Dealing With Prospective Employers
  • Never provide bank numbers or engage in a monetary transaction of any sort
  • Be cautious when dealing with contacts outside of your own country
  • Do not provide any non-work related personal information (i.e. eye color, marital status, etc.) over the phone or online.
Other Privacy Features On the Sites

You never need to provide personally identifiable data to search for jobs on our Sites. Logging into the Sites is always optional for you, (although logging in does give you access to smarter job search tools such as my account, my saved jobs and Saved Searches.)

Resume Privacy Options

Posting your resume on the Sites puts you in front of thousands of employers with open positions each day. When you post your resume, we automatically create a registration for you using the email address and password that you supply. When you return to the Sites in the future you will use that same email address and password to access and edit your existing resume.

We know that our job seekers have varying levels of comfort when it comes to posting their resume on the Internet. To accommodate the needs of all users, IMS has 2 levels of resume privacy from which you can choose. Please note that these privacy settings only apply to whether or not your resume can be viewed by third parties. IMS will still collect, use or disclose anonymous, aggregated information about you and your visits to our website in the manner described in this privacy policy.
  1. Standard Posting
This option gives you the most visibility to the broadest employer audience possible by making your resume searchable in our Resume Database. If you select this option, any registered employer user who purchases access to the database can view your resume and contact details (to the extent you include them in your resume).
  1.  Deactivating Your Resume
This option allows you to post your resume on the Sites without having it searchable by or viewable to employers. The benefit is that you can quickly and easily apply for jobs without retyping your information.

We attempt to limit access to our searchable resume database to legitimate users such as paying employers, recruiters, hiring managers, headhunters and human resource professionals, but cannot guarantee that other parties will not gain access to this database. We cannot control the use made of resumes by third parties who access such resumes while they are in our searchable database. You may remove your resume from our searchable database at any time. However, employers, recruiters and others who have paid for access to that database, as well as parties who have otherwise gained access to the database may have retained a copy of your resume in their own files or databases. We cannot control the retention, use or privacy of resumes or profiles that have been downloaded by third parties. Accordingly, you should not put information you would not want made public in your resume.

How To Spot Fraud

Email and Online Fraud - Phishing

Unfortunately, email and online fraud are continuing concerns for virtually all businesses that operate on the Internet. If you receive an email or pop-up window requesting that you sign in to Ethiojobs and provide your personal information, check the link by hovering your mouse over it. If the link appears different than the link printed in the email, do not respond. If you are in doubt, please contact info@ethiojobs.net